Website can be two categorized first in Static and second Dynamic websites. The best type of website depend for you to launch actually rely upon the nature of your business.

Static Websites are with information including images, product range display comprising of text, flash animations, links and graphics that need less updates in Basic design plan. Static websites are good for every business.

Static websites are those websites which return a simple file stored on a hard disk each time, when a web page is requested, without running a script. A static website has web-pages that contain URLs that are further free of any special characters and have no server-side interaction.

A static website is written in HTML only. Each page is a separate document and there is no database that it draws on. Apart from this a static website has static web-pages and gives you precisely the same response over and over again.

What this means functionally is that the only way to edit the site is to go into each page and edit the HTML - so you either have to do it yourself using a web page editor or we can edit the site each time you wanted something changed.

Webtech Mart , a Perfect and expereced web design company, we combine knowledge and talent to produce cutting visuals in web designing. Our Static website packages provide absolute solution to businesses or individuals, to post basic simple information about themselves or their company onto the static web pages.

Web Design Cost
We offer unique and personalized web page design with quality at competitive market rates. There is not a fixed price to create a website, or one website design price but, as you might expect, costs vary according to the size of the website.